The District Cub team have organised a trip to Gilwell Park Funday on the 9th June 2018. We have reserved 100 Cub places and 20 leader places. The cost for the Cubs is £30 which includes transport.
Let the adventure commence – be gallant, be brave, be bold. Fundays 2018 is set to be the biggest and best yet. Put on your armour and charge towards 100 amazing activities…History has never been so much fun! There will be no swimming but they will need a change of clothes as there are water slides. Other activities are bouncy castles, climbing, archery, cooking and much much more!
We have booked two coaches (Brentwood Coach Company) and two group mini buses. Gilwell allocate arrival and departure times closer to the day we will confirm exact times then. We envisage this will be around 9am (meeting places will be decided once we have a picture of which packs are attending). We should arrive back around 5.30pm.
We require names of leaders and a deposit of £30 per Cub (non-refundable) by the 20th April.
Each pack will be required to complete the attached attendance sheet and hand to the leader in charge. All Cubs will be issued a wrist band with their leader phone number on. Cubs will not be permitted to bring mobile phones.
Cubs will need a pack lunch, plenty of drinks, a sun hat and pocket money I they choose and change of clothes with a towel. (A day sack is best no plastic carrier bags they split!)
Gilwell Funday 2018 Medical Form
Gilwell Funday 2018 Leader Letter